It Chapter 2 Review

*Funny and semi-scary*

It Chapter 2 is directed by Andy Muschietti and is the sequel to It (2017). It follows the story of the Losers Club who at the end of It, think they succeed in eliminating Pennywise but find out that 27 years later, *It* returns to haunt the town of Derry and now the Losers Club, all grown up, have to eliminate the demonic clown once and for all.

This and the first chapter have what other horror films lack i.e heart.

The bond of friendship which all the members of the Loser’s Club have is the centre of the film and is the strongest part of this 3 hour long fest.

Easily the worst part of this film is the pacing.

It feels completely off and drags at most places in the second act. Some aspects of the second half could’ve been done away with which could’ve fixed the pacing issues. All the performances are perfect and there couldn’t have been a possibly better cast than James McAvoy (Bill), Jessica Chastain (Beverly) and Bill Hader (Richie) as the leads.
Bill, who was the leader of the Losers Club in the last film, is much of a side character in this one and the person who truly stood out was Richie, played brilliantly by Bill Hader. He made the film for me.

All of his *jokes* landed and he helped add levity in the otherwise creepy film.

Eddie (James Ransone) also had very good moments and James Ransone was the best choice for playing the adult version of Eddie. Him and Jack Dylan Grazer (young Eddie) resemble each other in such a way, I can’t think of any other way Jack will look like when he becomes an adult other than James Ransone.

The casting was that good.

The background score complimented the eerie visuals very well. Everybody knows that in Stephen King’s novel, the adult versions of the Loser’s Club had a worse story than their children counterparts and the same can be said with Andy Muschietti’s films but he tries his best with eliminating the worse parts of the novel and adding his own horror flair while still acknowledging the book. It’s not good as the first one, but *It* comes close.


Story: Average

Treatment: Excellent

Performance: Excellent

Recommendation: You’ve got to watch Chapter 1 if you want to understand everything. But worth a watch.

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