Review: Oscars 2020

The 92nd Academy Awards has just been completed with a list of winners which would never have had been thought, is possible. We’ll get into each of the wins in the major categories.

Best Picture: Parasite

Bong Joon-Ho’s Parasite has taken the world by storm. 4 wins at the Oscars is no easy feat and being a South Korean film, it had no right to be a winner as previous Oscars have suggested. But this award is completely deserved and has made history by being the first non-english film to win a Best Picture.

Best Actor: Joaquin Phoenix (Joker)

We all knew this was coming. It was inevitable. His performance was unique and one of a kind. In my opinion, Adam Driver came close for the win for his performance in Marriage Story but Joaquin had more to play with as he was the Joker. He nailed the laugh, the mannerisms and depicted the insanity with his raw performance.

Best Actress: Renée Zellweger (Judy)

To be honest, I have not seen ‘Judy’, the film for which Renée Zellweger has won Best Actress. She plays the actor Judy Garland who’s known for starring in *The Wizard Of Oz*. After seeing some snippets of her performance, I can say she has done a good job even though I was rooting for Scarlett Johansson’s performance in Marriage Story to win.

Best Supporting Actor: Brad Pitt (Once Upon A Time In Hollywood)

It’s safe to say, everyone wanted this to happen. He was the best part of Once Upon A Time In Hollywood and carried most of the movie. Al Pacino and Joe Pesci’s performances were also commendable but the fan favourite got the win here. Well deserved.

Best Supporting Actress: Laura Dern (Marriage Story)

The actress known for Jurassic Park has won an Oscar. Laura Dern deserved this and the Oscars have chosen the right people to win this time and have not been biased.

Best Director: Bong Joon-Ho (Parasite)

The direction in Parasite was Oscar-worthy and it has won an Oscar. The other nominees were Oscar-worthy too, but Bong Joon-Ho’s craftsmanship for perfection takes the cake.

Best Original Music Score: Hildur Gudnadóttir (Joker)

The two things which I remembered after watching Joker was Joaquin Phoenix’s performance, and the haunting score. I was very pleased to see both of them win an Oscar. A fact that you won’t know is Hildur Gudnadóttir composed the music for Joker after only seeing the script and before the shooting process. The music was used to play on the set to set the tone for the movie and boy, it did.

Best International Feature Film: Parasite

All I can say is, this was a no-brainer.

Best Original Screenplay: Parasite

Han Jin-Won and Bong Joon-Ho completed the 4th win of Parasite.

Best Adapted Screenplay: Jojo Rabbit

I never thought I will see the day Taika Waititi winning an Oscar after watching Thor Ragnarok. I was proven wrong. His first win at the Oscars, I’m sure there are more to come.

Best Cinematography: Roger Deakins (1917)

1917 was a beautiful looking film, edited out to be a one shot thrill ride. Roger Deakins winning this was fair.

Best Film Editing: Ford Vs Ferrari

Andrew Buckland and Michael McCluster win the best Film Editing for Ford Vs Ferrari. I think this is mainly because of the fast paced racing scenes which are edited beautifully. I was rooting for Parasite in this one because if you haven’t seen it, there’s a 5 minute montage containing Peaches which is impeccable. That scene alone was Oscar-worthy but oh well.


I think most of the wins are well deserved and are not politically motivated at all. Parasite well-deservedly won all the awards which it did on its merit. Usually there is a case of giving awards to films which have a racial message attached to it even though they didn’t deserve it but this time, that wasn’t the case. For me without a host, it is much smoother and there are way less goofups. The singing performances of Billie Eilish and Elton John were the standouts. There was humour as well provided by James Corden and Rebel Wilson dressed up as cats. Overall, this was an entertaining affair.