Avengers Endgame: Spoiler Review

This review contains spoilers. So, if you haven’t watched Endgame already, don’t read this review unless you’re okay with being spoiled!

After Infinity War, I was concerned with how the Russos will be able to handle the tonal shift, from fun to being sombre but they handled that perfectly well. The whole first act was devoted to how the Avengers are keeping up with what had occurred. Even though the pacing was a bit slow, it was required. There were some expected moments like Captain Marvel saving Tony from space but there was that unexpected moment which was shocking, i.e. the time jump of 5 years. This decision was smart as it allowed the makers to experiment with all the characters with the main examples being Hulk becoming Professor Hulk and Thor becoming fat. It may sound absolutely weird while reading this but the Russos nailed it.

One more unexpected moment was Thor killing Thanos in the first 10 minutes of the film. That caught me totally off guard because now, the Avengers didn’t have a villain in a physical form. Actually the thing which was opposing them was handling the loss of their loved ones, which I thought was moving.

The next act was devoted to the *time travel* part of the movie. I thoroughly enjoyed it as it was fun to watch the current Avengers go back to the most memorable events of the previous movies. This segment makes me watch the previous movies even more. The humour was elevated in this act but the stakes were still prevalent. The return of The Ancient One and Howard Stark was welcome. There were many heart-warming moments like Tony meeting his father, Thor meeting his mother and Cap seeing Peggy which set up the final confrontation with Thanos. The stakes felt higher than ever because of these scenes. The current Cap fighting the younger Cap was the best moment for me in this segment.

Now, to the final battle scene. It was loaded with fan-service. I am not complaining at all. 22 movies and 11 years had been all building up to this. The theme, the *Avengers Assemble* line and the characters couldn’t have been introduced to the movie screen any better than how they did. It was getting kind of ridiculous because every 10 seconds the crowd was cheering and shouting their hearts out at the *marvel* unraveling on the silver screen. I had one minor criticism though which is not much of a problem. There were so many things happening that it was difficult to ascertain the things happening off screen but the Russos handled this as much as they could by bringing in their A- game.

There were more than a dozen moments which were my favourite but the ones which cross my mind the first are – * I am Iron Man *, Cap holding Thor’s Hammer, * Avengers Assemble *, * I love you 3000 *, and *Hail Hydra*.

If you see Avengers Endgame as the first Marvel movie you’ve ever seen, you would not understand a thing in the final battle. It is for those people who’ve seen the MCU going through ups and downs in the span of 11 years. So, if you’re not a Marvel Fan yet, I suggest you to go through all the 21 movies and then watch Endgame. You will be missing a spectacle if you don’t go through this *marvellous* journey.

Story: Excellent 
Performance: Excellent
Treatment: Excellent
Recommendation: Watch it today!