Review: Parasite

*An Intensely Humourous Ride*

Parasite is a 2019 South Korean film directed by Bong Joon Ho, a renowned filmmaker who has an impressive track record with films like Snowpiercer, The Host and Okja.

But, Parasite must be his best till date.

It’s a very funny film but there it’s scary as well. The tonal shifts are masterfully handled by the director and the pacing feels flawless.

It is a film about greed and class discrimination which threatens the newly formed symbiotic relationship between the wealthy Park family and the destitute Kim clan.

Usually in these types of films, the poor families are shown as imbeciles but in this film, all the members of the poor Kim family are smart because they have to somehow scrounge to get enough money to earn their living.

The film respects it’s characters and it’s a testament to the craft of Bong Joon Ho.

Not much can be said about the story because there is too much stuff which can be spoiled but there comes a point in the mid of the second act which completely changes the film. This was something which could have never in a million years be predictable and the twist gets even better with repeat viewings.

The cinematography, editing and sound design was impeccable.

All the acting felt raw and realistic which bettered the overall product. Park So-Dam as the poor family’s daughter (Ki-Jung) was the standout and the Al Pacino of Korean films, Kang Ho-Song who plays the father of the poor family (Ki-taek) was superb as well. The best description of the movie was given by the director himself: ‘The movie is a comedy without clowns and a thriller without villains’.


Story: Excellent

Treatment: Excellent

Performance: Excellent

Recommendation: Well, you can’t miss one of the best films of 2019.