Review: Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker

“Rushed and Heartless”

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker is the 9th and final film of the ‘Skywalker Saga’ which serves as the ending of a 42 year old story but fails to be satisfying and feels desperate to be pleasing to the fans.

It feels completely rushed and heartless.

I don’t even know where to start. This is all so disappointing. The movie which got me hooked into Star Wars was the Force Awakens. The scene where (spoilers) Kylo Ren killed Han Solo was the moment I became a Star Wars fan. It caught me completely offguard and it was ‘something special’. I decided to go through all the other 6 movies which came before it and all were fascinating except Episode 1 and 2 but both had redeeming qualities and we could see George Lucas’s vision.

The ‘No, I am your father’ twist still sends chills up my spine.

So, obviously I had high hopes for the Rise of Skywalker as it had a huge task to complete and it didn’t. Firstly, the first hour or so of the film was ‘damage control’. It undid what Episode 8 did i.e. ‘The Last Jedi’. Instead of Snoke, Palpatine was brought in a stupid reason was given which I’ll say in the spoiler filled review down below. Bringing back the Emperor in the third film without setting him up in the seventh and eighth Episode felt like J.J Abrams, the director wanted to apologize for the mistakes done by Rian Johnson who directed the Last Jedi.

If The Last Jedi never existed, the first hour would have been enjoyable even though the pacing was way off.

There was too much exposition and thus it felt like a video game. There was some fan-service which felt too much on the nose and felt desperate.

The plot was not coherent at all.

Whenever an interest was kindled through a scene, the movie cut to another scene which was less interesting. All the actors though gave their all. Daisy Ridley as Rey, Adam Driver as Kylo Ren/Ben Solo and Finn as John Boyega, all were good. The VFX was top-notch which is obvious as it is a Disney movie afterall.

Overall, I didn’t feel bored. I felt disappointed.


Story: Bad

Treatment: Average

Performances: Excellent

Recommendation: You’ll have to see it if you’re a Star Wars fans to know the story atleast.

Now to some of the spoilers I can’t wait to discuss.

Spoilers down below:-
(You have been warned).

There are many deaths in the film and there many answers to the questions posed by the previous films e.g. Who is Snoke?, Who are Rey’s parents? And where was Anakin’s lightsaber found? The first two questions were related to none other than the Emperor.

Both were okay answers but, the set up of Palpatine was completely rushed.

He was the person who was supposedly killed by Anakin Skywalker and bringing him back undermines the importance of Anakin’s sacrifice. So the only way to put this is Disney was too desperate to get the Star Wars fans to see this film and the only way they could do that was bringing back the Emperor himself.

The death of Ben Solo was unacceptable to me.

He was the most interesting character of the Disney trilogy and they killed him off. Killing off Rey was the sensible thing to do but I don’t know whether it is the feministic propaganda of Kathleen Kennedy, President of Lucasfilm, they made Ben sacrifice himself to bring back Rey alive. That was utter nonsense.

They also made Rey the most OP (overpowered) character in Star Wars.

She could do things, which have never been seen before. Bringing back someone to life? And without any formal training from a Jedi? Come on give me a break. This is too much. In the end Rey takes up the Skywalker name being a Palpatine with Luke’s and Leia’s force ghost looking over her happily. That was just infuriating to me.

Well, this trilogy just proves that a plan must be made before starting one.

Even atleast an outline because this has been one hot mess and has disappointed thousands of fans. Disney, you ruined Star Wars.

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