Review: Django Unchained

“Tarantino At His Best”

Django Unchained is directed by Quentin Tarantino and stars Jamie Foxx, Christoph Waltz and Leonardo Di Caprio. It was released in March, 2013 and it’s runtime is 2 hours 45, a bit longer than the usual 120 minute mark movies these days.

Quentin Tarantino is regarded as one of the best filmmakers of all time.

He has directed films like Pulp Fiction, now considered a classic, Kill Bill, Inglorious Basterds and many critically acclaimed films. Django Unchained is also in that list. It won the Academy Award for best Original Screenplay and Best Supporting Actor. It is about the story of Django, a slave who gets his revenge against the racist with the help of his German Friend, Dr. Schulz.

It’s a Western/Drama and it is a damn good one.

The plot subverts you in ways you would never think. It drags a bit at the end but on the larger scale, it’s miniscule. It also won the MTV award for the most jaw-dropping moment. The dialogues are fascinating.

I strongly believe that Tarantino is the best dialogue screenwriter at this moment.

There is violence too, it’s ‘fun’ as Tarantino says and doesn’t detract from the plot. The acting all around, is the best one can offer. Christoph Waltz was intimidating and menacing in the Inglorious Basterds but here, as Dr. Schulz, he is the friend you wish you had.

The range is commendable.

Jamie Foxx as Django “Freeman” is snazzy and Leonardo DiCaprio gives a unhinged performance we haven’t seen before.

The score fits the Western Genre the film is going for and the Cinematography is beautiful with extravagant locations.

It’s a movie which should be seen for film-enthusiasts and is a must watch.


Performance: Excellent

Treatment: Excellent

Story: Good

Recommendation: This one is for the film-lovers.

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